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Getting your dog fixed has many important health benefits. That's why we at Unleashed Pet Care, your veterinarian in Livonia, MI, provide spay and neuter surgery to help your pet live a happier and healthier life.

The Benefits of Fixing Your Dog

Getting your dog fixed can reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers, like ovarian cancer in females and testicular cancer in male dogs. Spaying also decreases uterine infections and their complications, which can be life-threatening in unspayed female dogs.

Spaying and neutering can also reduce aggressive behaviors toward other dogs and humans. Following the procedure, dogs may become less territorial, with decreased urine marking inside the house.

Additionally, dogs' instinctual drive to roam away from home diminishes as they no longer seek a mate. This decreases the chances of accidents, getting lost, or fighting with other animals far from home.

Leading up to the Surgery

Your dog should also fast the night before spaying or neutering so that there is no food in his stomach when it receives anesthesia.

Once you arrive for check-in, we'll complete any remaining paperwork and collect your dog’s medical history, if not already on file. Then, you'll meet briefly with the veterinarian to answer any last-minute questions or concerns.

Once everything is in order, we'll prepare your pet for surgery by taking him through the pre-operative process.

Spaying and Neutering Procedure

Here's an overview of the surgical process used for spaying and neutering your dog:

1.            Anesthesia is administered by injection.

2.            The surgical site is shaved and cleaned for sterility.

3.            The vet makes a small incision near the reproductive organs for removal.

4.            The organs are removed and the incision is stitched closed with dissolvable sutures.

5.            Your pet is moved to a postoperative recovery area, where he rests until he awakens from the anesthesia and is ready to go home.

Post-Surgery Care for Your Dog

Over the next 24 hours, keep your dog quiet and relaxed. He shouldn't run or jump around so that the stitches remain firmly in place. Check the incision site for any signs of swelling, redness, or discharge. Most importantly, follow the vets aftercare instructions so that your pet can recover safely and smoothly.

Get Spaying and Neutering from a Veterinarian Near You

Are you ready to spay or neuter your pet? Call us at Unleashed Pet Care, your veterinarian in Livonia, MI, at (734) 469-2800 to schedule your appointment today. Our animal-loving, compassionate team will treat your pet like our own. Contact us for spaying and neutering from a veterinarian near you.


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9:00 am - 5:00 pm





9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm